Wednesday, May 1, 2013

STEM Fierceness

This was originally posted on my personal blog in February 2013. 

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I was on the verge of catching the Holy Ghost when I saw this segment on Melissa Haris-Perry's show. I almost missed it, but one of my fellow sisters in the STEM struggle (who you'll read about on this blog!) sent me a text to get to the TV pronto. It seems serendipitous that Melissa Harris-Perry decided to discuss girls and women in STEM, as it coincides with my desire to feature Black women doing amazing work in STEM fields.

Harris-Perry's show was about women, more generally, in STEM, but I'm going to narrow my posts to Black women in STEM, and not just because it's February. I stand with all of my sisters who work to make their mark in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology, but I know the realities of being a Black girl in a sea of faces that don't look like yours. I know what it feels like to have people watch you at work and to look at you with disbelief, almost as if they are shocked that you know what you know. I know what it's like to have people distrust your answers to math problems even though you're absolutely right. I know the feeling of being treated as an anomaly when you know you really aren't one; others just didn't have the same opportunities. I'm not saying that women of other races and ethnicities don't experience these things, nor am I saying that all of these instances should be attributed solely to race. I just prefer (for now) to narrow my posts to something I know really well - living life and succeeding in mathematics at the Black-female intersection. Click on the previous link to learn about Dr. Patricia Hill Collins and her amazing work on this subject.

Last week, I highlighted Dr. Haynes as the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D in Mathematics. For the next few posts in the STEM Fierceness series, I'll be highlighting women who are presently making strides in STEM fields. Remember, we make history EVERYDAY! Though most of us won't be featured in history books or on television, we can still make an impact in our communities,  and we can etch ourselves into the memories of those whose lives we inspire.

Hold on, there's lots of STEM fierceness headed your way! If you know someone who should be featured, hit me up! I'd love to feature them.

Until next fierce!

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